Marchula Weather & Temperature

Marchula Weather and Temperature

The weather and temperature throughout the year in Marchula differ every month and one can experience the hot and humid kind of weather in Marchula through the 6 months of the year. Due to the thick forest, the summers are covered where the temperatures in Marchula reach 40 degrees celsius the highest and lowest by 5 degrees Celsius in winters. Being a Himalayan destination, Marchula experiences heavy rains and a flooded river of Ramganga that passes through the village of Marchula.

Marchula in January 

The weather and climate conditions in the month of January in Marchula is cold during the morning and the night. The days in the afternoon are quite cosy and delightful which makes it a perfect time for you to go out and explore Marchula as the average temperature varies from 7 degrees Celsius to 20 degrees Celsius. 

Marchula in February

February is the month in Marchula when the temperatures rise from 15 degrees celsius lowest to 26 degrees celsius and the people love to come during this of the year as the temperatures are good and animals sightseeing can be experienced.

Marchula in March

The temperature rises from 25 degrees celsius and 37 degrees celsius with the spring season approaching and hot and humid in Marchula it is the busiest season for tourists for exploration.

Marchula in April

The explorers start coming during the month of April in Marchula when the temperatures are about 26 - 30 degrees celsius and the days are warm and pleasant to explore the National parks to the fullest.

Marchula in May

The days remain the same as in the month of April, the pleasant kind of weather in Marchula. A slight rain for 2 or 3 days could be experienced and the best time for the tourist and explorers to visit and experience the various attractions in the Marchula and the Jim Corbett national park.

Marchula in June

The days are warmer and the temperatures reach 30- 35 degrees celsius, where the humidity is less in the atmosphere and sun rays are hard to handle during the day. in the month of June in Marchula the due to harsh summers the people are less in number that come to the destination. 

Marchula in July

Most of the days in this month Marchula receive more rainfall. In the month of July in Marchula, the temperature goes down by 22 to 36 degrees Celsius, this temperature and weather conditions are not suitable for travelling as it is quite hot and humid as well. During this month of the year, some areas of Marchula are inaccessible due to unavoidable climate conditions.

Marchula in August

The month of August in Marchula is a little costly due to less hot weather and humidity. People like to visit the destination and it is one of the busiest times of the year for Marchula, the average temperature during the month is 25 degrees celsius.

Marchula in September

During this time of the month in Marchula, September has less hot weather but a slightly more humid climate and the temperature remains between 20-25 degrees Celsius making it a perfect time to explore more things in Marchula.

Marchula in October

During the month of October the Marchula has little rainy weather as the retreating months temperature drops from humid to a chilly winter season kind of temperature due to the cold wind. The temperature in the region is 15- 22 degree celsius.

Marchula in November

The month of November in Marchula is the time when the main tourist season starts, which is from the middle of the month. The temperature is low and less humid as compared to the rest of the year and the best time to explore as the temperatures remain between 10 - 20 degree celsius.

Marchula in December 

Marchula in the month of December is the time when the foggy morning begins and during the night time temperature drops till 5-degree celsius. The days are very pleasant as the rays of sunshine makes an ideal day to explore the destination and spend some peaceful time with your family, friends and loved ones.


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