Keylong Sightseeing Tour

Keylong Sightseeing Tour

Keylong is a destination of Lahaul and Spiti Himachal Pradesh, situated at the elevation of 3156 M (10,354 feet) above sea level. Once the home of Moravian Missionaries. The place has many beautiful monasteries and many amazing and breathtaking views. One can purchase locally handcrafted Kullu Shawls, Lois (big and heavy warm shawls), mufflers, and caps that are hand-made by the people.

Sightseeing places in Keylong

Kardang Monastery

The Kardang Monastery of Keylong is one of the oldest monasteries of the Drukpa lineage founded around 900 years ago. Kardang which was once the capital of Lahaul makes the monastery more specialThe monastery is located 3500 M above sea level on the banks of the Bhaga river. The monastery is famous for its architecture and religious values all around the world. The monastery has amazing collections of Thangka paintings, paintings, horns, drums, and flutes. The monastery was recreated 2 by lamas - Lama Norbu Rinpoche and Lama Kunga. This monastery is one of the most important monasteries for Buddhists. The library of the Kardang monastery is the best thing to visit in the monastery as the monastery has Kangyur and Tangyur books of Buddhist scriptures that are written in the Bhoti language. One can find the secret strips of paper on which the sacred mantra is written as “ Om Mani Padme Hum” for 1 million times. Annually the monastery host the Chaam Dance in June or July. for this dance, monks are dressed in dramatic masks and headgears.

Gondhla Castle or Fort

The house of the Thakur of Gondhla is called the Gondhla castle. According to the present-day Thakur, Fateh Chand believes that the fort is 20 generations old, but according to the government the fort was built in 1700 AD by Raja Man Singh of Kullu whose kingdom was beyond the plains of Baralacha Pass. The Gondhla castle is a 7 story high building that can fit more than 100 people at once. Raja Man Singh married the daughter of the Gondhla family to have stronger ties with the family. Inside the fort, one can find several weapons which include bows, arrows, quivers, guns and canons, and many that could be easily seen resting at the castle of Gondhla.


The Gompa of Shashur was founded in the 17th century by Lama Deva Gyatsho of Zangskar who initially was the missionary of Nawang Namgyal, the king of Bhutan. The lams of the Gompa are the Drugpa sect (red hat sect). Namgyal who the person who founded this sect of Buddhists and the name originates from Dug which is in the Bhoti language which means Bhutan. The monastery has the biggest Thanka painting which is over 15 feet and an invaluable painting that can be found in the monastery which shows 84 Siddhas of Buddhism. In June/July Chaam dance is performed in the monastery which is the most popular Chaam to see in Lahaul.


The Tayul gompa is situated just above the Satigiri village. The Tayul gompa has the biggest statue of Padma Sambhava which is about 12 feet tall, the Padma Sambhava and his 2 manifestations as Singhmukha and Vajravarahi. The Thankas (paintings) in the gompa represent a lot of episodes of Buddha’s life. Tayul monastery which is written as ‘Ta’ ‘Yul’ means the chosen place in Tibetan. This monastery is one of the oldest monasteries in Lahaul for the Dugpa sect.


Ghemur gompa or monastery is one of the well-known monasteries in Keylong. The Ghemur monastery is located in the small village of Ghemur which is 18 km from the Keylong as it falls on the Manali - Leh Highway and it is easily accessible for anyone visiting the destination. The gompa is famous for the devil dance that Lamas enact in July.

Shri Triloknath Temple

The temple of Shri Triloknath is situated at the Udaipur sub-division of Lahaul and Spiti in Himachal Pradesh. The temple of Triloknath carries equal importance for both Hindus and Buddhists. The Hindus consider Triloknath as Lord Shiva and the Buddhists consider the deity as ‘Arya Avalokiteshwar’. The people speaking Tibet call  ‘Arya Avalokiteshwarr' as ‘ Garja Fagspa’ and is regarded as the most sacred site after Kailash and Mansarovar.

Guru Ghantal Monastery

The Guru Ghantal monastery is located on a mountain above the Tupchiling village. The Guru Ghantal gompa was founded by Padma Sambhava and the monastery is more than 800 years old. The main thing to watch at the gompa is the wooden idols that can be distinguished from the clay idols found in other monasteries. The Guru Ghantal white marble head was installed by its founder, but now the same is kept under lock because of the fear of theft. This monastery has idols of Guru Padma Sambhava, Brijeshwari Devi, and several other lamas. There is one black stone statue of a goddess identified as Kali in the innermost chamber.


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